Run: Long (LSD) Previous Next


7:35 AM

31.4 km


5:13 km


52.5 kg


8 C


9 / 10
10 / 10
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Gyro-Cordova-Lochside-McKenzie :)

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Small group, only Stephen (on bike), Doran, Jared, Jordan, Sean. Weird weather too. Forecast was sunny day, so was slathering on sunscreen, but started raining hard. Luckily, it let up and stayed cloudy throughout.

MT (1 x 45') between approx. 19km and 26km along Lochside trail. Was running mostly on my own, but was able to keep a steady consistent pace. Aimed for 5:10ish but ran by feel, and ended up going slightly faster. But no fade, so VERY happy with the outcome. The last 4km after MT felt harder as there were gradual climbs.

The run felt so much shorter compare to the 32km two weeks ago. Didn't feel as hard (mentally/physically) probably because there were no worrisome pain.

Breakfast: sourdough toast, banana (1/2), Fuel: gummies, kurozato, honey stinger gel before MT (chocolate, a bit on the sweet side, but ok) Water belt

FH HS+Lulu shorts+arm sleeves+vest (wore it just in case the rain got worse, but didn't. Stephen carried for me for during MT! Some windy sections, so glad I had arm sleeves)
