Run: Tempo Previous Next


6.3 mi


8:43 mi


147 bpm
182 bpm
65 bpm
  • Map



Time for the run. My nutrition will be NUUN/water. I took in some calories about 300 or so beforehand.

Weight before run: 147.8

Weight after run: 145.8

Run was good. Slow for a tempo run but whatever. The left knee felt iffy but there wasn't much pain, maybe 1-2 out fo 10 for discomfort and it didn't last the entire run. There were really good periods. In any case, I'll continue the running this week and ice after each run, and as many workouts as I can.

Stats: 55 min 6.31 miles which comes to an 8:43 pace. Burned 530 calories. Avg HR was 147 and max of 182(not right).

Mile 1 9:46

Mile 2 8:34

Mile 3 8:39

Mile 4 8:31

Mile 5 8:35

Mile 6 8:30

Last .31 7:47pace
