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Skipped BAPS

Stretch Set Arms (three times, 30sec per arm)

 Bicep Stretch(both arms)

 ROM: Posterior Capsule Stretch(both arms)

 ROM: Inferior Capsule Stretch(both arms)

 ROM: Flexion Alternate(both arms)

Stretch Set Legs (three times, 45sec per leg)

 Hamstrings with heat

 Quads with heat

 Glute Max

 IT Band with strap

 Calfs


 Clamshells: 150 reps each leg

 Marching Bridge: 150 reps total

 Single leg hip hike: 15 reps with each leg

Core Set (2-3 sets)

 Crunches: 150-200

 Side Plank Raises(20-30 reps of 3 second holds on each side)

 Curls: 25 each arm(15lbs)

 King’s Chair: 35 straight lifts

 King’s Chair: 15 side lifts(each side)

 Push-Ups: 30

 Hip Adductor Leg raises with 2sec holds(from PT) laying on side(20 each leg)

 Hip Adductor Holds: Straight/out/straight(20sec)

 Calf Raises: 25-40

 Trunk twists 180° Left->Right and Right->Left(20)

Knee Set

 Quad Extensions: 15 reps each leg **addressing VMO(tendonitis) / done during PT

 Red Theraband: Each leg 4 directions 10 reps

Shoulder(RotCuf) Set (both arms, one set, 25 times)

 Green Theraband: Arm Back Pulls

 Green Theraband: Arm Forward Pulls

 Green Theraband: Side Pulls: Towards and Away from body

 Green Theraband: Internal/External Rotation Pulls(towards/away)

 Green Theraband: Single arm “field goals”

BAPS Set (both legs)

 Forward/Back + Left/Right

 Circles(clockwise and counter-clockwise)
