Run: Easy Previous Next


5.5 mi


9:39 mi


126 bpm
141 bpm
60 bpm
  • Map

Vienna Loop


Back from work. Taking a Thermalyte before PT. Tempo run afterwards.

Only a 45 minute run, so not taking any nutrition.

Weight before run: 148.6

Run was HARD. Didn't feel comfortable in my legs from the beginning to the end. The whole left leg felt tight and towards the end of the run, the left hamstring, IT Band, calf, inner quad, and knee were super tight. It must have something to do with PT before the run. Not sure. Left calf was also tight at times and I had to go SLOW for it to calm down. Bone spur related so I'm used to it. Only positives were my HR during the run and the fact that the tendonitis didn't act up.

Stats: 5.54 miles. 53:27. 9:39 pace. Burned 450 calories. Avg HR was 126 and max of 141.

Mile 1 9:59

Mile 2 9:36

Mile 3 9:32

Mile 4 9:45

Mile 5 9:32

Last .54 9:17pace

Weight after run: 146.8
