Run: Easy Previous Next


9.3 mi


9:09 mi


133 bpm
172 bpm
65 bpm
  • Map



Getting ready for run. Nutrition: 20oz of CPro(2scoops) and NUUN(1.5 tabs) for the first 38-40 minutes. Then reload NUUN(1 tab) and water for remainder of run. I have a GU packed just in case. Also, one Thermalyte 45-60 minutes before the run. If it's too hot, then I'll take another one at the 45 minute mark. We'll see.

Weight before run: 148.2

Weight after run: 146.6!!

I drank about 50oz. First 20 with CPro and NUUN, second 20 with NUUN and water, and the last10-15oz of just water. I took a Thermalyte around 50 min because I noticed the left hammy and calf start to get real tight like they were going to cramp. The left calf almost did but not really, if that made any sense. Shorter strides helped. I think either I've lost some real weight, or I need to up my fluid intake on the run. I felt pretty good for the last 1+ miles for some reason :)

Stats: 9.30 miles in 1:25:00 which comes to a 9:08 mile Burned only 690 calories. Why? My HR was very low!! I think I've hit another milestone in aeorbic fitness just this past week. I'm noticing super low HRs for me...and on the RUN :) Avg HR was 133 and max of 172(not sure about that).

Mile 1 9:29

Mile 2 9:04

Mile 3 9:12

Mile 4 9:31

Mile 5 9:13

Mile 6 9:11

Mile 7 9:10

Mile 8 8:35

Mile 9 8:51

Last .30 8:50pace
