Elliptical: Default Previous Next




118 bpm
132 bpm
60 bpm
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<No name>


Morning weight: 148.4

I think the NSAIDs really work, and my knee is already feeling better. I just really, really hope they don't hurt my liver in the long run.

Going to Oak Marr to aqua run for 2 hours. Not sure how I'll monitor my HR or listen to music. This may be super boring, but nothing compared to yesterday's debacle on the W&OD :)

Nutrition: 50% of a ProBar with MINs, Vitamins, and NSAIDs + water

For the pool running I'll just use NUUN/Water(40oz total) and keep it moderate effort, try to burn fat.

Pool is not open yet, so it will have to be elliptical for today.

Taking a Thermalyte at 8:30 for 9:30 workout. Probably one each 45 minutes during the workout.

Weight before elliptical: 147.5

Elliptical was good. Started to feel minor knee tweaks, but not the tendonitis. Stretching helped, and I ended up stopping after 1hr35min. No need to push it today.

Stats: 1hr35min. Burned 602 calories. Avg HR was 118 and max of 132.

Weight after elliptical: 146.4(after 15oz of fluids(protein)
