Run: Long Previous Next


12 mi


9:41 mi


126 bpm
138 bpm
60 bpm
  • Map


Morning weight: 146.6

Run nutrition: 600cal of NUUN/CPro mix, water, and Thermalytes every 30 minutes

Eating a ProBar, vitamins, MINs, NSAIDs, and a Thermalyte two hours before the run

Weight before run: 147.2

Weight after run: 146.2

Left hamstring tendon got tight toward the end, but that was all. No knee issues. Tight left calf but that's also normal from the spur.

Stats: 12 miles in 1:56:07. Burned 859 calories. Avg HR was 126 and max of 138 which is real good.

Mile 1 9:54

Mile 2 9:41

Mile 3 9:50

Mile 4 9:53

Mile 5 9:53

Mile 6 10:04

Mile 7 9:38

Mile 8 9:34

Mile 9 9:28

Mile 10 9:32

Mile 11 9:19

Mile 12 9:15
