Run: Tempo Previous Next


8.5 mi


8:26 mi


144 bpm
164 bpm
60 bpm
  • Map



Morning weight 148.0

Lots of stretching and then a 1:15 tempo run. I'm shooting for a 1 mile warmup and cooldown each around 9-9:20 pace, then 7 miles at 8-8:20 pace.

Still shows rain for race day. Sh**!

Eating 1/2 ProBar, MINs, NSAIDs, Vitamins 2 hours before the run.

Using the remainder of the NUUN/CPro mix from yesterday's debacle of a bike ride.

Took a Thermalyte an hour before the run.

Stretched for an hour :) Arms and legs.

Weight before run: 146.8

Weight after run: 144.8(wow)

Great run. Did the first mile at a moderate pace, then picked up the tempo every other mile. Kept it tame on the hills though..

Stats: 8.5 miles in 1:11:36 which comes to an 8:25 pace. Burned 771 calories. Avg HR was 144 and max of 164.

Ate a Peppermint Patty at the half way point at 7-11 with the guy who ran Big Sur :)

Mile 1 9:07

Mile 2 8:34

Mile 3 8:37

Mile 4 8:29

Mile 5 8:05

Mile 6 8:18

Mile 7 8:21

Mile 8 8:08

Last .50 7:49pace
