Run: Easy Previous Next


9.5 mi


9:38 mi


129 bpm
173 bpm
65 bpm
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Getting ready for run. Took two Thermalytes at 4:30pm and some almonds. Stretching for 20 minutes...

Weight before run: 149.0

Weight after run: 147.6

I definitely felt the left knee during the run. Not so bad that I couldn't run, but around a 2/10 pain level. Sometimes it would go away completely. Not sure again if it's runners knee or patellar tendon related but it the lower knee or tibia where it meets the knee cap. After the run when I stretched my quads, I really felt it and it got better the more I stretched but during the stretch it hurts.

Ahhhhhh!!! Icing the knee now....

The run was okay. Legs were very tired and tight for the last half of the run.

Stats: 9.5 miles in 1:31:25 which is a 9:37pace. Burned 663 calories. Avg HR was 129 and max of 173(not true). At least my fitness is still great.

Mile 1 9:43

Mile 2 9:17

Mile 3 9:33

Mile 4 9:48

Mile 5 9:32

Mile 6 9:17

Mile 7 9:50

Mile 8 9:38

Mile 9 9:45

Last .50 9:59pace
