Run: Easy Previous Next


8 mi


9:10 mi


135 bpm
151 bpm
65 bpm
  • Map



Taking a Thermalyte right before the run.

Weight before run: 147.8

Run was okay. Ate a mini Hershey's bar before the run. Took a Thermalyte at 30 minutes. I was very worried about doing these three back-to-back. The training plan gave me no choice but to do it that way. Major bummer. Not even sure what the point of today's workout was, other than to let me know I can do a triathlon, and I have tendonitis in the left knee.

Ran 8 miles in 1:13:16 which comes to a 9:09 pace. Burned 659 calories. Avg HR was 135 and max of 151.

Weight after run: 146.6
