Bike: Long Previous Next


90 mi


15 mi / hr


97 bpm
118 bpm
60 bpm
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Nutrition for bike: 100oz NUUN/CPro mix, bananas, ProBar(if needed), and Thermalytes every 45 minutes

Taking another Thermalyte, 1/3 ProBar, and coconut water before the bike....

Weight before bike: 148.0

Weight after bike: 148.2

Drank about 70oz of the NUUN/CPro mix, a banana, and a full ProBar. Took 5 Thermalytes.

The trainer didn't help so I'm returning it. I think I need more padding, and that I've worn out all my chamois.

That ride hurt. It felt more like pain, than a workout. Couldn't even get my HR above 100. 6 hours of pain! It's been snowing for three hours outside, so it could have been worse for me I guess.

Stats: 6 hours 90 miles 1951 calories. Avg HR 97 and max of 118

Just fabulous...NOT
