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117 bpm
136 bpm
59 bpm
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<No name>


Had PT after work. Chris thinks it's just the same tendon. Not a big deal.

Did 1.5 hr on the elliptical after PT. First 30 minutes was tough. Muscles were tired and just didn't want to work. After 45 min the strange vague pressure/tightness came back in the left knee. I can't put a finger on it. After an hour, I stopped and stretched the quads and hamstrings, then got back on for the last 30 min. At that point and until the end, the tightness/pressure went away.

Drank 40oz of NUUN/water. Burned 589 calories. Avg HR was 117 and max of 136.

I think it's(left knee) manageable and hopefully I can start running again soon.

Weight after elliptical: 146.2
