Run: Tempo Previous Next


4.5 mi


8:14 mi


145 bpm
170 bpm
65 bpm
  • Map



Taking the Fuelbelt 10oz with Lemon-Lime NUUN to see how it tastes :)

It's going to be a tempo run, and the 4.6 mile loop. I'll run the first mile around 8:30-9:00, then pick up the pace for the rest.

Weight before run: 146.5

Weight after run: 145.5

Another decent run. I think the Garmin crapped out and it's .15 miles short. Oh well.

Everything felt decent, and I actually felt strong througout the run. No issues except for minor tweaks in the left knee but can't distinguish what they were. Maybe tendonitis but it feels fine right now as I stand and type this.

Stats: 4.5(or 4.65) miles in 37:01 which is an 8:13 pace. Burned 416 calories. Avg HR was 145 and max of 170.

Mile 1 9:07

Mile 2 8:36

Mile 3 8:12

Mile 4 7:24

Last .5 7:23pace
