Run: Shoes Previous Next


10:00 AM

1.5 mi


14:00 mi


171.5 lb


81 F


7 / 10
6 / 10
  • Map



Put on my shoes & started running back - 1.5 mi from the car. Suddenly I was swarmed by a bunch of yellow jackets - I had stepped on them while running down the trail. They pierce you like hot lead or razor sharp glass, and they hurt like hell (it's 6 hrs later now and some of the stings still hurt quite a bit). At first I didn't know how many stings I got except it seemed to be a lot and even tho I sprinted, they didn't leave me for 75-100 yards. Then I realized the last time I got stung was about 18 mos ago & that time my whole arm got swollen for a few days from just 1bite, although the other times before I haven't had a reaction other than slight swelling. So I was wondering "do I run back to the car?" or "do I walk" and "man, what're all these stings gonna do to me?". I kept walk/running to the car & got there in a few minutes, feeling OK except for the stings. I found 2 still crawling on me when I got back to the car. Then I realized that I had been stung through my shorts & my tech shirt in several places each, but on my bare ankles mostly, a couple on my legs, and one on my arm. Luckily, I never did have an allergic reaction & counted 21 stings when I got home. Well, counting all the mosquitos out there, & the tick I found on me, it was one helluva day!!
