Run: Easy Previous Next


12:00 PM

6.1 mi


9:41 mi


164 lb
141 bpm
179 bpm
64 bpm


6 / 10
4 / 10
  • Map



Another run on the treadmill in the Bahamas. It's hard to get motivated to go to the fitness center when you have such a beautiful setting around you to run in but it's really, really hot and humid and I would definitely have cut this run short. I tried picking up the pace more on this run just to simulate some speed work for my body. at 3.1 I picked it up to 8:30 pace and ran with no problems at that pace for about 20 min then took it up to 7:30 pace for 5 minutes and finished at 6:30 pace sprinting as hard as I could my MAX HR never broke 180 which surprised me but It was perfect conditions inside on a treadmill with no incline. I did a short cool down and then swam with Sofie for a bit. During our trip we walked probably 2 to 3 miles a day and swam all day in both the ocean and pools so even though I didn't run much this week I feel like I was still getting in some quality exercise, especially considering the heat and humidity.
