Run: Easy Previous Next


2:15 PM

3.5 mi


10:57 mi


175 lb
155 bpm
165 bpm
65 bpm



10 / 10
5 / 10


Tough run today. I had an amazing time last night with Joe, Sach and Gerard at the NJ Wiskey Guild at the Madison in Morristown, NJ. Didn't get a great night sleep and went to bed really late, not to mention we had in the neighborhood of 19 Shots of Scotch each. Needless to say running wasn't high on my priority list today when I got home. I was all curled up with the X-box from about 11:00 - 2:00 when I started to feel guilty. I had all along meant to run today but I was totally dragging ass. This was more of a mental workout today than a physical. When I started my HR shot right to 95 and then right to 150 by the time I got to the end of my block. I could tell anytime my HR got over 160 because I would start huffing and puffing and felt sick to my stomach. At about mile 2 I had to start playing mental games to keep running and not walk - run to this lamp post, ok next lamp post. Turns out I was running the same pace as all my other runs but the effort was much greater. I don't plan on making this a habit. Good mental workout though, felt good to tough it out.



Considering you were coming off a scotch-infused evening, this is pretty darn good. Way to get off your duff despite the hangover!


Just like you put it, sometimes these kind of metal toughness workouts are good to do. Suffering is good for the soul kind of deal. Way to get it in.