Run: Long Previous Next


7.9 mi


10:27 mi


175 lb
165 bpm
175 bpm
63 bpm


40 F


6 / 10
9 / 10


Another great run with the R2C team! Everyone did a great job. Sach and Joe had personal distance records today and Bilenkin did another 20+ miler. Overall I felt really strong on the run. The 1st 2 miles with Sachin were at a very nice pace and allowed my legs to warm up. The next loop with the rest of the guys was very comfortable as well. We picked up the pace on the P-Loop which I was expecting and took the last 3 miles in under 10 minute pace and I felt stronger as the run progressed. I'm going to stick to my plan of doing slow 3.5 Milers during the week and more distance and speed stuff on the weekend with the team. I have to travel to TN this week so I'm hoping to get 4 days in at 3.5 and a Sunday run in the 6 mile range which will put my weekly total at 20 miles.



Nice work today Pete! You had no problem with this and looked very strong at the end. I see you made yourself a schedule for the coming weeks. Looks great!


The fleet feet of Pete are back! Way to put in a great week of work, capping it with a strong team run. Just wish I could have joined you guys!


Heck of a job Pete! You looked super comfortable out there! We should have banged out an extra .15 to make it a formal 8, but it is all good.