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6:30 PM

7.2 mi


9:48 mi


165 lb


55 F


10 / 10
6 / 10
  • Map


The best laid plans of mice and men tend to fail. I went out to do a nice slow 8 mile run to make up for the day off I took yesterday. Unfortunately I had a couple of things work against the slow part in the beginning. My HR monitor wasn't functioning properly and then my left foot went numb because I laced up the shoe to tight. By the time I got everything together I was at an 12 minute mile. So to make up for that I sped up a little. I wanted to incorporate the P-Loop into this run but it was getting dark fast so by the time I got there if I didn't do some kind of pick up on the P-loop I wasn't going to make it out before it got to dark to see. I decided to do a pick up while on the p-loop. Which explains an 8:31 2nd mile. I then decided this had become a tempo long run. Something i'm not ready for but we'll get to that in a minute. I did the next 3 miles with a 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 minute fartleks with equal recovery. I got to the 6 mile mark feeling great and ready to do the next 2 miles at 10 minute pace. As I got towards the end of mile 6 I started feeling woozy..I was sick to my stomach and no matter how slow I went couldn't bring my HR under 175 and it seemed the slower I went the higher my HR went which really started to scare me. Then by mile 7 I was in total panic mode. I was getting light headed and still over a mile from home. I could barely keep walking. (NOTE: Again, I went on this run without drinking anything all day except for a diet coke at lunch at 12 - No hydration with me on the run and no food since then - THIS WILL NOT HAPPEN AGAIN!!). I got myself so panicked that I had to break down and call my Mom to come pick me up as I didn't want to pass out on the side of the road which I felt was a real possibility at the time (Panic attacks suck!). My mom picked me up with a water and I drank it down quickly. When I got home I just told Heather I wasn't feeling right and had to take some time to myself. It took over an hour but now I'm feeling better after 2 granola bars and an apple along with plenty of water and gatorade. I will not go out for anymore runs over 45 minutes without properly hydrating before i leave the house from now on. I can't feel like this again. Scary stuff.



Hey Pete! Scary stuff indeed. I am glad you decided to be cautious and made the call to get you home safely! That being said, you still ran a ton during this session, good job. You ran more on this one day than I have in a week. lol. I have a water bottle that I just refill at the watercooler all day at work. When I know I am running after work, I beef up my intake during the second half of the day to prep. I am also impressed at how all FFFFers can spell Gyllenhaal properly.


That sucks, I'm so sorry, and I think you are totally right about not being hydrated. I've had this happen to me a few times on longer runs without proper hydration/nutrition where I've pushed when I shouldn't have. It's entirely possible that if you kept this slow, it wouldn't have been as bad. The combination of not being hydrated and then pushing yourself created this mess. You should be drinking water all day before longer runs. Your pee should be pale yellow. But, you know all this.