Run: Easy Previous Next


8:00 PM

3.5 mi


11:26 mi


165 lb


45 F


1 / 10
3 / 10
  • Map


I was still feeling kind of nervous to go out for a run as the last time I had such a negative experience and mentally that is what I was thinking about. As soon as I started I was feeling the same shortness of breath and lightheadedness as when I had to stop on Thursday. I made sure my HR never got over 150 and I went really, really slow so I could keep telling myself I was fine and not working to hard. I drank a lot of water before i went out and had something to eat just to make myself feel better. I didn't really shake out the cobwebs until around mile 2.5 when I finally started to feel normal again. I still need to have a successful run before I try anymore speed stuff. Maybe another slow run monday.



Smart running buddy, good not to push it too much after your last experience. I often don't feel good until 2-3 miles in, especially in colder weather. I've been there too - poorly hydrated, getting the shakes, far from home - it's not cool. Focus on getting a few easy runs like this under your belt to restore confidence (all well-hydrated!), then work up from there. That last run sounded like a lot mentally - I don't think I could have kept track of all of those pace changes!


Way to tackle the mental battle head-on Pete. I agree with Snow, ease back into the saddle, and make sure to drink liquids...