Run: Easy Previous Next


12:30 PM

2.8 mi


ASICS (2160)


30 F
  • Map

<No name>


Just a short easy run to end the week. Legs felt pretty good but I just felt like I was in a fog because I was really lightheaded from not eating much before the run. MY piriformis actually wasn't too tight so that was nice. Then about 10 minutes into the run I have another near accident! I was running on this little trail by the ski hill and towards the end there is this wooden bridge that I've run on a million times, even when it is wet... well I was even going pretty slow but apparently it was suuuper slippery from being wet and I went flying.. my arm got caught on the railing somehow and I went sliding all the way across the bridge with my arm rubbing the whole way. So, at least I didn't actually fall but then I look and my really nice (and not cheap) nike "hyper warm" zip up that I got for Christmas is covered in gross.. not even mud.. it's like scummy build up from the wood alllll over the sleeve of my shirt and if it doesn't come out I'm going to be angry! I think I was more angry about the shirt then I was about almost falling haha So after that I was just annoyed and made it out to the road and decided to run on conrete the rest of the way because apparently my luck with slippery surfaces is not great. I haven't slipped and fell on the ice once all winter and then in the last 3 days I've had two incidents because I step on wooden surfaces that are wet! Ugh
