Run: Steady Previous Next


11:00 AM

7 mi


ASICS (2160)


45 F
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<No name>


Roland has the day off today so I got ot run with him! I did 5 with him then added on two more after we finished the loop we were doing. I felt pretty good but not great. My hip issue was feeling worse today.. I had the pinching in the glute like I did yesterday but then that went away after about 10 minutes then the pain was mostly in my hip and even affecting the front on my hip which has never happened since its stemming from the piriformis in the back. hamstrng was tight and then hip just kept getting tighter as we went along. My quad was even sore when I was done because since NCC is on spring break I havent been able to use the foam roller like I do every day so I think it is from my IT band being tight. The loop we did was pretty hill after about 2 miles but we maintained the same pace even over the hilly parts so that was nice. It was much easier to breathe today since it was only 45 degrees when we went. Overall it was a good run but now my whole left leg hurts.. ugggh
