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1:00 PM

6 mi


ASICS (2160)


65 F
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<No name>


Another warm day so that was nice but I forgot to take my inhaler again today and that was a big mistake. I'm just not in the routine of taking it since I only really use it for workouts and races because when it's cold I don't have any problems but being 65 degrees and rather humid this afternoon I needed it! It was super windy again too.. as expected because with spring, always comes endless wind! My legs felt kind of blah at the beginning but felt a little better as the run went along but the rest of my body felt like garbage just because of the warmer temps. Piriformis and hamstring were a pain again... and after I got done and stretched I took the dog for a walk and what do you know, I get a brand new pain! A real bad pinching in the upper glute.. like right under my hip bone.. ugggh pinching so bad it was hard to even walk... gaaah kill me
