Run: Tempo Previous Next


3:36 PM

8.1 mi


6:39 mi


ASICS (2160)


35 F
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Mixed feelings about this workout. I felt horrible 2 miles in. I was having a hard time breathing for some reason and my legs felt like bricks which shouldn't be happening after only running the first two miles in 7:19 and 6:54. Not really sure what was going on but I knew it was going to make for a looooong 8 mile tempo. Was running with Amanda and we dropped the next two miles down to 6:27 and 6:18. I literally wanted to stop and walk at this point so I felt so crappy. I told Amanda she could take off once we got to like 4.5 because I was feeling like garbage. The next mile was really windy but I still slowed down a ton to 6:43. I just needed a mile to pull myself back together and see if I could muster up something decent. Last couple miles were better running 6:36, 6:31 and 6:19. So I finished it off pretty well but was just pissed that I let Amanda go but today just wasn't a good day for me. She ended up running about 45 seconds faster than which me which is less than I thought it would be. I think I was actually closing some ground towards the end but all that time pretty much came when I slowed way down to 6:43 on that mile.. But when I look at it, running 8 miles averaging 6:39 pace is still pretty damn good! So I can't be unhappy with this effort.

Hamstring was less tight than the last couple days during the run and had minimal pain in the butt. A little irritation in the hip and the hamstring tightness traveled down the leg towards the end.
