Run: Easy Previous Next


7:30 PM

2.1 mi


ASICS (2160)


32 F
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<No name>


So I used to not consider 2 miles a run.. but in my current injured state it is enough to just get things warm so I can get a good stretch and everything in. The only pain I really felt was just the extreme tightness high up in the hamstring like I had Saturday but this time not as bad. Nothing in my butt really hurt..or hip really.. granted I did only run 2 miles so had I gone more it might have progressed but who knows.

Hopefully it's a little warmer tomorrow because we are doing an 8 mile tempo run and I don't want to go through what I went through on the long run I did on Saturday with it getting worse and worse throughout because of the cold.

Sucky mileage week because of the couple easy 4 mile days I took during the week trying to get this leg feeling at least runnable but oh well it won't kill me... but this leg might!
