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5:41 AM

16 mi


10:01 mi


148 lb
166 bpm
182 bpm


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Brookfield Run

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Yay! no stomach issues!! I felt really really good. Heart and breathing felt under control the whole time. My body did too until about mile 14ish I started to get really tired... but I only had 2 miles left! soooo...piece of cake! hahah

Here is what I did different that is hopefully the formula for no stomach issues and lots of energy.

Night before

-no wine

-sweet potato

-salad and chicken

Morning of

-only one cup of coffee

-1 slice of toast with almond butter and 1 small banana

During Run

- Gu at mile 6 and 12

- I liked this Gu better - it wasn't so well... gooey... more watery - easier to eat when breathing in a run

- I'd know the brand when I saw it

- had 2 6 oz bottles filled with Gatorade, drank a little every 3 miles
