Run: Long Previous Next


10:15 AM

8.3 mi


7:13 mi


70 F
  • Map

Rail Trail


Mid morning run at the rail trail. Longest run in a while. Felt alright. Went out 31 minutes and turned around, came back in 28:49. Was out kind of quickly, 10:18 at the gate, 21:47 at the bridge, and 28:24 at the 30 minute spot. Thought I was getting rolling on the turnaround but only ran a small negative split (2:11.) Though since I didn't run too far, the negative split wasn't too small proportionally. And I was faster than I realized on the way out. The one thing that really set me off was the dogs at the house by the road, 6:30 into the run. Usually it's just a stupid little white bulldog, but this time, a hound came blazing after me and caught me in no time, and howled at me as I stood as still as a post, petrified. It finally backed away after some time and I continued my run. I put in a hard surge at that spot on the way back, and no dog came for me then. I was scared though. My knee felt okay. The run was muddy, which was a pain, but I did well. Finished off a good week.
