Bike: Easy Previous Next


1:15 PM

26.8 mi


17.27 mi / hr


80 F
  • Map


Decent ride with Bryan and Karen in the hot sun. Yo-yoed off the front a bit and was pretty much never drafting. But felt strong for most of it. There was a lot of confusion and stopping and turning around to go back which made the ride very unclean, but I stopped my watch when I stopped. Made a slight attempt at the Popple Dungeon segment but died about 2/3 of the way up the climb and rode 1:51 (best is 1:40.) I put in a hard effort for like a full mile before it because I wanted to see if I could simultaneously get the "Smash it" segment and that one. But I started way too early and just didn't have that finishing kick so I just made sure to get to the top in one piece. Then waited for a while before I went down the hill again to find them. Rode back up it again. Finished hard for the last six miles with Karen in tow. She destroyed me when she went the last half mile.
