Bike: Long Previous Next


6:00 AM

36.3 mi


13.39 mi / hr


With Marie, rode from parking structure at the U to the start of the bike tour. Rode the bike tour with Marie, Mir, and Erin and John. We didn't see Jan til the finish. Then Marie and I rode from Library Square to City Creek Gate, changed in our running clothes and ran up to the treatment plant and back. I rode back down to Library Square to volunteer at the refreshment table for Rayna, then after rode to Library Trax Station and rode Trax to the end of the line at the U. Once I got there, it took a little bit to remember where the parking structure at the U was to get to my car. (It was dark this morning and I wasn't real familiar with the building.) All in all a fun and challenging morning on the bike and on the pavement. I have to say that cycling then running is much more difficult than the other way around.
