Run: Long Previous Next


8:54 AM

16.5 mi


6:37 mi


30 F
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Was tied up on Saturday so couldnt make the long run with Sean/Jake. Achilles was still a little sore on Friday, so wanted to keep this weekend's long run at a spot where I could cut back early if needed, so skipped the big group run on Sunday hosted by Ephraim.

Was warmer than I expected during the run, probably could have gone with one layer less. Targeted a comfortable pace for the run, figured I would save the tempo/MP portions to start later in the month once I get my base up a little further. Was tired by the end, but was in control the whole time. Achilles felt fine during the run. Ran in the New Balance again today and havent had much issues when I've been running in those lately. Perhaps the other shoes are due to be replaced. I've been useless at tracking my miles for my shoes this past year, something I need to be better at doing going forward.

Back to work tomorrow. Going to be a busy couple of months, with some 70 hour weeks and working most weekends. Most mid-week runs will be starting around 5 or 5:30 AM. Will try to squeeze in track one more time this week, but a very real possibility similar to last year where I may have almost two months of solo 5:30 AM track workouts.
