Health: Week in Review Previous Next



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Week progressed well, all the way up to the point where the gun went off Thursday afternoon. Sunday night, Anna and I went to dinner and a movie. I had a gin and tonic, and boy did I pay for it the next day. On monday, the alcohol plus the few hours of sleep I missed due to a late night really flared up my fever, headache, and cough. After the workout, I felt fine however, and the rest of the week had me feeling better and better each day. But the 100m race Thursday night changed things. I came out of my four point stance (there we no blocks) really poorly, to the point where my second step with my right leg locked up due to poor calf-hamstring recruitment and I essentially stood up the entire race. I felt my back going into extreme lordosis each time my leg hit the ground because I literally have no strength in my core and my hip flexors. I'm sure I looked like an idiot. By the end of the race, I recovered well, but the pain in my back inspired dread in my mind and I was afraid it may morph into missed workouts. And my groin! What pain! I just can't figure this out. Is it a bruised pelvis? Or just poor pelvic stability due to weak abs. Disgusted with myself, I decided to run the mile event and see where I shook out. 7:36. Well, that sucks.

Next day, I was quite sore but was scheduled for DL. Workout went well, but I just didn't recover at all, and I could barely sleep that night. Oh well.
