Run: Long Previous Next


16.9 mi


6:24 mi


Incredible. Almost cannot believe this.

Have no watch so ran entirely by feel. Around mile 10 I decided there was no way I was going to increase my effort, and figured my "paced" long run would come out to be a bust.

I am in complete shock...and its only been about 3 weeks of fixing my form and this is all happening so naturally.

Traps sooooo tight right now though. I had to drop out the arms and shake em out at least 6 times on this run.

Jesus Christ haha

NOTE: Eating breakfast before a LR is extremely beneficial.


Tyler Carrara

I swear by eating a Blueberry Muffin before a Long Run (Didnt have one today though). Best Long Runs are when I eat something light beforehand.

Brian Crowley

I don't believe it, youre not this good.

Nolan Feola MD

You're right, I rounded down...I fixed it to show the actual time.

But I honestly dont know what to tell you B.



Nice elevation profile buddy


Mile 10 seems suspicious

Nolan Feola MD

Yeah I don't think RA registers the bridge there