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3.1 mi


5:43 mi

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<No name>


Such a ball buster of a course. Ran it stupid in an attempt for the big PR. First mile 5:09. At this point it was me and the damn triathlete guy. Only he went through 1 mile in 4:45...

Hit two miles at 10:44 and I'm thinking "this is it. I feel good. I can PR!"

Got jazzed and started ramping it up. Got to the base of the hill in 13:50. Just had to run the last half mile in 3 minutes...

Then I locked up.

That was over. It was like one of those dreams where you are trying so hard to move and you can't go anywhere. I saw my window for 16:50 closing almost instantly. Triathlete ran 16:08. As I came jogging into the final stretch, pretty much packed in the run at this point, I see him smiling. Guy didn't even look out of breath.

Agh well.





Have you run this before? Cant find it in your log? What are previous times?

Nolan Feola MD

I mean I ran it five years back for the 20th anniversary...way before the logging days

Nolan Feola MD

that was like a 21:55 or slower if I recall lol