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7.5 mi


7:43 mi


75 F
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4.5 miles at 6min pace! This was a good workout.

Goal was 6x1200 in 6:00 to 6:15 pace with one lap jog of rest in between. 1 lap rest should take 3-4 min.

Bryce and I hit our pace fairly well for the first few. Then Bryce started to pull ahead since he was feeling good. I stuck with my goal time because Marathon.

The workout went really well! We both kept hitting our splits - the 4th one I felt fatigued after. The 5th one I had a harder time keeping pace and I was tired at the end. The 6th one was a true effort. But it was all good! I finished the workout thoroughly tired. My legs, arms, cardio and energy level were all fatigued equally... which is pretty tough to do for me.

Oh, the weather was 75 and humid as fuck by the way. We were dripping the whole time
