Run: Easy Previous Next


16 mi


8:29 mi

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Total time was 2:34:25 which breaks down to 9:30 pace overall. This includes two poop stops and a decent amount of walking to calm my knees.

The run went well! I never felt super energetic getting into it but there were still times when I had to tell myself to dial it back and cruise.

I left my house around 4:15 or so and I was surprised to see other runners at around 4:45! People really do amaze me sometimes. 2 women running in a pair and then 1 man if you are wondering. All near Ault Park. The run was slow and meditative going down Madison, then getting into Ault Park I began to get a little nervous for the woods area. I don't know why but I was half expecting an animal to jump out. I didn't see nary but a hare.

The route into Otto Armleder Park went by about as quick as it ever has! Also there was a lovely moonlit fog in OA! After a quick portapotty stop I ate a GU and kept going. The GU did not sit well for about 15minutes and then the feeling passed. As I entered Lunken and began the most boring slog of the run I was surprised at how much moonlight there was, it was totally clear! I could see all I needed to without a headlamp! Part way into the 3 mile straightaway I saw 2 lights approaching. When I was maybe a quarter mile off of the lights turned around and went the other way with a single red light behind. Whoever it was up ahead was going almost exactly my pace (8:30 at the time) so I never caught up to see who it was or how many. As I rounded the corner to the final stretch of Lunken I realized that I needed to go the bathroom again and worse. I held it for another .5 mile but then I went. I got a lot out but I still felt the need for more. I took leaves off of a tree and pocketed them and kept going. It was at this time when I also fought off the urge to call an uber and quit.

Leaving Lunken I really began to feel good! I started to speed up but had to stop myself. I gave myself permission to speed up when I hit Delta to bring the last 3 miles home quick. Which I did! The last 3 miles were at around 7:30 pace. Towards the end my knees started to get really sore as did the bottom of my feet. But otherwise I was doing okay. I had a lot of energy still.

Good run overall!
