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3:45 PM

5000 m


5:16 mi


146 bpm
152 bpm
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bittersweet victory.

i went in wanting to get below 16:20 which i did. thats fucking awesome. literally only 6 seconds slower than my last 3 mile (which was done on the AYSO Raceway, if you know the net decrease in elevation on that course you know it's hardly fair to even call it a 3 mile). as far as the time goes, i'm riding a massive high right now, it was an amazing performance. but i still feel like there are things i could have done better. i did a horrible job at keeping the inside, i was fully in lane 2 for probably 5 of the first 7 laps, and my watch said i hit 5k 26 seconds before i actually finished, which is crazy. the good part about that is that i know the next time i lace up for a 5k i can go 15:50's at the very least, so long as i can have confidence in my foot strike and position myself better. i think i can definitely improve my race in general at this distance, the first 3600 or so felt just straight up easy and the last 1200 was too grindy. i need to kick confidently and i need to kick early. at some point late in the race i tried to slowly build and it just didn't work. if i would have just turned it on at 1200 or 1400, but put in a more noticeable gear shift i feel like i could have kept it up through the finish line, i definitely had something left in the tank when i was done. the actual race was loads of fun. i did exactly what i wanted to do, go out in 5:10 and see how many 5:10s i can run without dying off (i ended up averaging 5:07**). i was running with guys who absolutely embarrassed me in a race literally 4 days ago. I wanted to keep my sights on Logan and Andrew because i knew they had a plan to be on the tail end of the sub 16 pack. I never saw Andrew, but I hung with Logan for 6 or 7 laps, we were a solid 6 man with Vandy and Carter leading, then me and Logan, then G-Roy and Egts hangin onto us. Egts made a move to lead the pack, I went up in front of Vandy and Carter with him and saw HC in no mans land. I made a move to get up with him to help him out. for the couple laps i was with HC i was gunning for Noah in my head. I was trying to reel him in slowly but surely (didn't happen). I moved from HC with a few laps to go and didn't quite have a kick but picked it up slightly. I didn't know this at the time, but when i made my move past Egts, Carter and Vandy followed me and stayed with me the whole time, good on those guys for matching the move. needless to say, the 800 beast in Carter kicked me down with 200ish to go, I matched the move decently well but didn't get past him in the end. an absolutely amazing day in my book, now I just need to learn how to do it during an actual race.

If you read all of this, ily.

**5:07 average is based off GPS, which says I ran a good bit further than 5k. completing exactly 5k in my finishing time would be a 5:16 average

P.S. this says I average 146 HR and had a max on 152. either my heart rate monitor is way off or that TT was way too easy. likely a combination of both.



LETS GO ARTHUR!!! Can't wait to see what you can do in your future races!

P.S. ily too

Arthur Meyers

LETS GO GROY!! I'm so excited to race with you in the future man. 25 indoor laps of demolishing the competition is in our future😤

Collin Day

Nice race dude. You’ve made giant strides through cross already, you’re gonna keep goin off I know it

Jane Pinkowski

Super exciting!! Nice job!

Erin Phelan

so incredibly proud of you buddy :)