Run: Run off the bike Previous Next


12:30 PM

4 mi


6:53 mi


148 lb
152 bpm


70 F


5 / 10
10 / 10
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Really had to hold back. Absolutely no shin pain whatsoever. Felt great to run. My body wanted to push it, but I remembered I'm supposed to do this one easy. Last run of any significance before IM.

I just looked back at my 2007 IM CDA run splits per mile and was quite surprised. I clearly went out too fast. The first three miles were done in 21 minutes. I was doing 8:45 minute miles by mile 22. I also think nutrition (or lack thereof) played a role in the last 6-8 miles. This year, I'm going to start at 7:30 pace and try to hold on to that as long as possible. If I can hold that for the first loop, I could drop off to a 7:50 pace and still reach my goal run split of 3:21 (7:40 average). Also, I'm going to wear a Fuel Belt. I'm going to have about 350 calories or Carbo Pro 1200 in one flask and about 5 or 6 Power Bar Gels (Double Latte w/ caffine) in the other. I'll do the CP 1200 the first loop and start hitting the caffinated gel at the start of the second loop. Hopefully with some better pacing and better nutrition, I'll get it done right.
