Run: Recovery run Previous Next


3:00 PM

12.1 mi


7:02 mi


25 F
  • Map

Willow Tumor


really nice run with the last few miles surely sub 7 because first half were 7:20s or so. So I'm out on this run, 7.5 miles in, running what I thought 7:20 and I'm thinking, 'what's the point? I've been running 12 miles at 7:20 pace for five years? shouldn't something change?' In response to myself I thought, 'yes, things have changed, i consume higher mileage much better than I did in 2007, my workouts are better across the board, I do run significantly faster than 7:20s on many of my runs, specifically on my long runs, plus, recovery is about recovery, which is to say the slower miles prepare the body for the harder longer workouts in the future. Completing these mildly long runs helps me through the 6x mile sessions and such. Also, to really recover, one must run slow enough for the body to accept the stress and recovery quickly from it.' Good run, and part of the run was on the side of the road in the snow, effort wise, sub 7 average.
