Run: Medium Long Run Previous Next


5:30 PM

14 mi


6:30 mi

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Rail Trail


run without socks, which means I now have blisters. pretty mmellow progression run. I just wanted to get in a few faster miles because I felt good enough to do a moderate workout. I'm really happy with how the progression went because of the last three miles of it. Although, on the last mile I was very close to the anaerobic/lactate threshold. I would speed up (5:15ish) and feel myself going anaerobic, then I would back off (5:25ish) and feel fine. The good thing is that I can feel where I am at and I need a few shorter tempos and progressions around that critical 5:15-5:30 pace before I can run the longer tempos and intervals at that pace that I need to to run a marathon well. The bad part is, 5:19 should feel easy if I am supposed to have a chance of running 2:18.
