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8 km


5:41 mi



8 / 10

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The first 6k were nice. I went through the mile and Mitch and Paul were by me so I decided to take them with me to sub 29 pace. Paul fell back with a cramp just before 3 miles so Mitch and I went on ahead and we went down the hill at UMD to the puddles and I wiped out and mitch was right behind me and then he wiped out within a second of me falling. We got back up but I looked back and saw him limping and he said he thought he pulled something so I was alone for the last 2k. Which I proceded to push and run like a 5:15-20 last mile adjusted for 5mi/8k difference. I passed Mario with like 900 and Todd with like 300 left. It was nice to push so hard and see that all those miles over the summer and the workouts are making me much stronger toward the end of the races. I am very pleased with the effort and I am ready to race now. Thank God!
