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1:30 PM

23.1 mi


7:30 mi


55 F


"This used to be a fun house, but now it's filled with evil clowns" - Katy Perry I think. Anyway those two lines went through my head hundreds of times on the run. Anyway I've been thinking of doing this run for over a year and I was finally in a place to do it and no one else showed up to run with me so i did it. High points: at mile eight i caught a guy wearing vibram five fingers I think ksos. I bought that exact pair yesterday! So we talked for a minute and I found out that Tristen had PF and looked for a way to cure it and there were the VFFs. Pretty awesome, in fact I'm wearing mine now. Then the dirt road was nice, the 20 minutes on pavement into paxton had very narrow shoulders so it was not nice. stopped at dd to get more water and it tasted great! pretty easy run. i got tight around mile 21 but still managed the last 2.6 in 17:33 and the last mile in like 6:15. On these longer runs I just set out trying to finish and that makes it easier than trying to average a decent time. it's a journey.
