Bike: Easy Previous Next


18.6 mi


18.62 mi / hr


180 lb
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<No name>


60 minutes, hills. Find a hill that takes 3-5 minutes to climb.

warm up and cool down 15 minutes each

Main: 6-8 repititions on the hill. Remain seated on all reps. You should hit

RPE 7-9 but not an all-out effort.

Complete stretch of legs and lower back afterwards.

If on the trainer, do main set of 7 x 4:00 in large chainring, seated at

cadence of 50-60.

Training Plan Entry



60 minutes, hills. Find a hill that takes 3-5 minutes to climb.

warm up and cool down 15 minutes each

Main: 6-8 repititions on the hill. Remain seated on all reps. You should hit

RPE 7-9 but not an all-out effort.

Complete stretch of legs and lower back afterwards.

If on the trainer, do main set of 7 x 4:00 in large chainring, seated at

cadence of 50-60.
