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8:03 AM

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Hartford Marathon

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Besides Boston, Hartford is one of the only marathons that I tend to come back to year-after-year. This was my 3rd Hartford in 4 years, mainly because I've been able to run it for free every time. Also because it's a very well-organized race that's easy to get to and around. They also treat their runners really well. No muss, no fuss. I got a free entry this year through Lindsay W, so I couldn't pass up the opportunity to run back-to-back marathons in the span of 6 days. Oddly enough, this was also the 3rd time that I've done Hartford as a 6 day back-to-back. 2009: Portland (3:07)-Hartford (3:08). 2010: Hartford (2:55)-Bay State (3:09:59). And now 2012: Steamtown (2:50)-Hartford (3:03). This one was by far the the most difficult one due to the fact that Steamtown chewed me up and spit me out like a ragdoll thrown down a very steep hill. I made the trip down to beautiful downtown Hartford with Fil and Eric. Sully would join us, in secret, a little later, but you didn't hear that from me. Weather and conditions were once again perfect (this race is one of the luckiest year-after-year). It was a little chilly (30's) at the start, but definitely comfortable once you got going. Through Lindsay's free pass, I was also able to hang out with New England's Finest before the race in the "elite" area. It was great seeing Kara H. (half), Pat Moulton (full), and a few other familiar faces. I got the chance to see first hand how the other half prepped for a race, and I confirm that they pee, poop, and tie their shoe laces just like the 99% of us. I had no real goals for this race other than to just finish with a respectable time. A course PR (sub 2:55) would have been great, and I would have loved to have hung with Lindsay on her shot at sub 2:49, but I knew that that was not just going to happen. Maybe we'll save it for Boston '13? I went through the first 10K in 40:30, so right about the same pace as Steamtown, aaaaaaaaand then the wheels started flying off after mile 7. Holy cow things got fugly. I cringed when I finally saw my splits just now. It was basically a reverse progression run from mile 7 to the finish. I felt fine overall, but my legs just had nothing left to give me. I was actually shocked to have finished under the new BQ standard of 3:05. You should have seen the grin on my face during the last mile. Still smiling right now. Just something about the hard ones that really stick with you. Congrats to Lindsay on her 2:52 run, 3+ min PR, 3rd overall female, and a kick ass performance. Hell of a way to end your storybook season. Also huge congrats to Fil for being just as stupid as me, Eric for finally getting that cramp monkey off his back and PR'ing, and of course, the Kid's gutsy, one-legged performance to get under 3. I'm saying he got it. Time to rest a little bit. OK, maybe a lot. From the 2nd place showing at the Bermuda Challenge, to Spartan CA, to a DNF at the Rocky 100 after 60 miles, to the 90 degree day at Boston, to the 3rd place showing at the Cranberry 50K, to my tri cherry being popped at the Timberman Half, to Steamtown/Hartford, It's been a fun, but long, season! See you guys and gals in January!
