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7:19 AM

20 mi


8:29 mi

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Walden Pond

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What started out as a 3 hr tour ended up really being a 3 hr tour of the Walden Pond area.

Met up with Amanda, Maggie, EJ, and Erica at the Lincoln Rail Station for a runrise special. We were here to witness the tie breaker that would settle the overall winner of the GT5K Summa series between WB and Z-girl.

We headed out together and one wrong turn later we were already off course. With everyone sporting a Garmin, we royally pissed off the Walden gods where such devices are forbodden.

We eventually found our way onto someone's driveway (thank you for not shooting us) and got back onto the main "thoreau" fare. The group was splittered worse than Gilligan's boat at this point, so it was just me, EJ, and Erica for the remainder of the run. Amanda and Maggie held their own and marched on....

The three of us went out 5 and headed back to the parking area for a total of 10 before refueling. Erica wanted to do 14 and EJ wanted to kill me.

EJ continued on and went back into the woods in search of Amanda and Maggie. Erica and I did the same, but decided to head for Walden.

By some huge coincdence we eventually ran into Amanda and Maggie between here and there. We safely led them back to the car after their 10 mile ordeal under tough conditions. They would continue on and complete 13 miles. Kickass. Nnice run girls!

Erica and I still needed 2 more miles for 14 so we went back out onto the main road and kept on running, and running, and running. By the time we hit 14 we were a little under 9 minutes per mile. I asked Erica if she wanted to continue and see if we could break 8:30 for the day. Of course she did.

We finally found Walden Pond by mile 17 and our overall pace was around 8:40.

We took a quick dip in the pond before heading back out and back to the car.

The 8:40 pace eventually became 8:39, 38, 37, 36, 35, 34, 33, 32, 31...

We kicked it hard over the final two miles (sub 7's) to get to 8:29 by Mile 20.

I had just been Zornigcide.

Congrats on your first 20 miler and overall Summa Time series victory, Erica. Sorry, EJ.

*I would like to apologize to the group for another Buicide production.
