Swim: Free Style Previous Next


6:33 PM

0.3 mi


1:23 / 100yd

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official results posted a week later, so i can't recall exactly what happened during this race, but everything finally started clicking. from the swim, t1, bike, t2, to run, everything just went smoothly. no issues this week. the swim felt a tad short even though my watch said it was .29. it was .31 the previous week. patsy was the first one out of the water in an astounding 4:27. i was actually shocked when i saw my time for the swim. almost broke 7. this is by far my best swim to date. practiced a little drafting behind marli, since she didn't mind me swimming on top of her last week. great group of swimmers tonight. i don't think i was even top 10 (out of 28) out of the water. i was in and out of t1 in 30 seconds flat. no issues clipping in on the bike this week.
