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7:13 PM

2.1 mi


5:38 mi

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i had a lot of ground to make up if i wanted to win this one. 1st place was already at least a quarter mile down the run course by the time i left t2. i saw fil 1/4th into the run and he said i was making up ground. my A goal tonight was to break 48 minutes and PR. another win to cap off the season would have been nice, but this was going to be hard. i finally saw 1st place about .80 into the run, and he was only about 20 secs in front of me at the 1 mile turn around point. i hadn't broken 12 minutes on this run since week 3. i knew i was going to do it tonight. love the feeling of running at 100%. i got a ton of support from the regular tri friends, that i've made over the past 10 weeks here, over the final mile. they were telling me to catch "him". i was about 5 secs behind 1st place at the final turn where glenn was volunteering tonight. he told me to take him on the downhill. i kicked it into another gear, but unfortunately, 1st place did the same thing when he heard me charging at him. i crossed the finish line in 47:26 (3 secs behind 1st place) for a pr and a hell of a final tuneup for timberman. i think i'm ready to take it to the next level.


