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8:46 AM

1.3 mi


1:35 / 100yd

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Mighty Merrimack Swim Race

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first time i've dipped my toes in the river. i shouldn't be alive. this is the swim i wish i had at timberman and a great showing by the team. supposed to be 1 mile swim, but i'll stick with what my garmin says it was.



Makes sense, boston is really 26.45 :)


if this % difference (30%) was applied to a marathon, it would be an additional 7.86 miles! something was definitely off with this "mile" swim. marli and I were both 10 minutes off of our cranberry swim time, which would be about right. i laughed when the RD told me how she measured the swim: she walked a measuring wheel along the boulevarde wall....


Did ya look at the map from the gps? looks like you went onto the shore and ran some of it, atta boy. Swimmers can't run :)