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8 km


5:27 mi

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<No name>


Hi my name is Mads, and this was my final conference cross country meet. Right now I'm having the best season of cross country ever and it's exciting but it also has a very regretful feeling to it. I'm competing better than I have and running faster times, but I've known I could do this for four years now. I'm not here to gloom on the past but I've had so little time and opportunities to race in this kind of shape. I've wanted to make the very most of every moment of this season, trying to PR every race and get better. So far I've seen good progress but I've always been aware that I have more. And I put a lot on this race, I thought today was going to be the day I showed everyone what I had. But it was not. And that's ok. The race wasn't bad, I just had high goals.

I got one more 8k left, and I'd like it to be a good one so I need to learn from this race. Here's what I learned.

- Be Patient: It's better to pass people late than early

- Work With a Pack: Something that I actually had as a season goal, I love pack running and want to utilize it as much as possible. I can't be a selfish runner, for both the team and myself.

- Never be Afraid to Pass Someone: No matter their history as an athlete, you can beat anyone

Alright, on to the next one :)





hey man, regardless of how it went you really helped me push through the end of the race. saying "go ryan, you're a beast" was one of the only reasons I was able to get myself to finish hard and I really appreciated that. looking forward to saga cup with you :)

Connor Lancial

You have shown me what it means to be a great teammate. No matter what the results say, you have helped this team out in so many ways! Some people look up to someone because of there times, but I look up to you because your a great person. I'm glad I get one more cross race with you man!


You've made Oil Guy proud.