Run: Easy Previous Next


3.9 mi


7:43 mi

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<No name>


Dear Diary,

Heinz is in the shower right now so I have an extra long amount of time to log. Today’s run was my 145 day of my run streak, but it was an extremely average run. I went alone and the wind was wicked out there today. Speaking of wicked, I started to watch a new cartoon show called the Maxx. I think it came out in the late 90’s and it’s very dark, surreal, and just kind of strange. I thought it was going to be like a superhero thing (which I’m usually not that into) but it’s more like the sandman comics. I’m going to see Dune tonight with Alissa in the theatre, I’m excited and I know she is because Timothy Chalamet is in it and she loves him (I feel a tad threatened). He’s also starring in the French dispatch which I’ve been waiting to see for what feels like years now! In other news I got a cavity filled yesterday, and I thought that would stop the pain I’ve been feeling in my jaw but nope it’s still there. I also have this dang blister on the back of my heel from the race. Today was the first day I didn’t cover it with anything so it’s getting a little better. After I shower I plan to go to the Mensa and then spend some time writing before coach’s breakdown. It’s an exciting day, I like hearing about everyone’s races and pr’s. Also I think I’m going to wear a new shirt that I got in St Louis, so watch out for some serious drip! Ok thank god, Heinz is done now! I was starting to run out of things to write about. If you read all of this, props to you but you also kinda wasted your time.





This is two minutes I will never get back