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4 mi


5:54 mi

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<No name>


That's a 4 mile tempo 3 weeks in row...I'm getting a little burnt out from tempos lol

w/ Ali

6:11, 5:51, 5:38, 5:50

Almost the exact same time as last week's tempo, but this one was more of a challenge. My gut was not happy and I think my increased mileage is catching up to me. Also I could tell that Ali was feeling a lot better than last week, and he really started to move that 3rd mile and I was struggling to stay on his heels. Overall it was more of a grind than I was expecting. BUT on a positive note, consistency is good! And even with it being a challenging day, I still ran as good as last week.

Gonna take a short recovery day tomorrow, then long run on Saturday, then next week is race week! (Dan Houston)


Carina Collet

tempos three weeks in a row? Amazing!