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6.2 mi


7:22 mi

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<No name>


Alright Folks, this is my injury conspiracy post

My desk at home causes my tibialis anterior to tighten up. When I run in Omaha while I am often spend significant amount of time at my desk and sitting in my desk chair, I experience problems with my lower leg. The first experience with this problem was during quarantine, April-May, I sat at my desk constantly during that time working on projects and studying for my May Term class. And throughout that time I was really struggling with this exact same problem. You can go back and check my logs, I even logged about seeing a PT who didn't work for me. So, over this break on Saturday and Sunday I sat at my desk quite a bit and on both of those days I experienced the same problem, on Sunday I had to walk after 1 mile.

The last 3 days I've avoided sitting at my desk, just because I began to have a slight suspicion of it. I spent several hours sitting on Monday, but it was at the library not my desk. And to my surprise, my runs improved and my legs were not tightening up anymore. My final suspicion was maybe the runs improved because the runs were somewhat short, I have only been doing a 2-3 mile runs. But today I went 6 miles after 3 days of avoiding my desk, and I felt better than I have all break!

I don't know exactly what kind of dark magic has cursed my desk, it might be because it's a children's desk and it's quite low, or it may be something to do with the desk chair which is not cushioned at all and is kind of old. I'm not sure what it is, but I'm almost certain it is the culprit to my issue, and I will not be sitting there again.


Collin Day

Wow, that’s kinda crazy. Idk how a low desk really affects your lower leg, but it sounds like that was it. I was thinking about you and your injury today so I’m glad I got an update!


Yah dude...I don’t completely understand it but I wish I would’ve realized that during the time I was home from March to June! All I know is I’m not the desk guy

Collin Day

Nah you’re definitely the desk guy now

Spencer Warehime

*child’s desk guy*

Glad you got it figured out. 100 mile week here we come